Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kindergarten, Here We Come!

Today is the first-born graduated from preschool.  Alright, so that was obviously weeks ago, and I'm probably the last parent to make mention of the event, but I'm finally getting around to it, which is more than I can say for the other items on my to-do list.  (You have probably realized by now that I am seriously obsessed with making lists.)  I know already that Ava is destined to be a good student.  She is bright (already reading), eager to learn, and well-behaved (taking into account her 5-year-old status.)  And dare I say she is a perfectionist like her mother?

We love Miss Heather and Miss Lori!
I hope they love us too, because we have at least
two more daughters for them.


I also wanted to share Ava's latest violin recital performance.  She is full of potential.

...........It is now 3 days later and I am finally giving up on trying to upload Ava's video.  She did a super job.   You'll just have to take my word for it.

While we're on the topic of accomplishments, Fiona has finally decided to start crawling, and man, that girl can get around!  How exciting that she can now experience all the adventures she has been missing out on.  The taste of the fallen leaves from my dead plant.  The smell of the dust accumulating under the kitchen table.  The sound of scattered Cheerios crunching under her cute little knees.  Let the mischief begin.

I finally got a picture of her 2 new teeth, which I am totally
obsessed with.  I find them completely adorable.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness- Fiona looks so big- she's adorable! And congrats to Ava on graduating preschool- I'm sure she'll love kindergarten. Such a cute family- love reading the blog.
